Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the list

aphex twin, growing, explosions in the sky, dianogah, ui, tortoise, trans am, wire, ii, loscil, eluvium, philip glass, steve reich, arvo part, andrew wk, kings of convenience, the brother kite, do make say think

at the moment: aphex twin, selected ambient works vol. 2, cd 2.

i hope i actually write in this blog. i've tried before. i'm a bit more of a talker, but i do like writing. i hate mistakes though, and i like the english language too much not to know when i'm making one. i prefer lowercase simply because it's quicker. the shift key always threw me in typing class and no less so now.

i'm at home, the man who was mowing the lawn and making it impossible to have a nap i quite badly need has just finished. maybe i was only starting a blog to pass the time.

i wonder about blogs. do we really need to know what someone is thinking? i suppose there's always the chance that someone reading your witty posting will offer you a book contract or a film.

maybe it's nice just to talk to someone.

but what if noone ever reads your blog? what if it sits there and noone ever cares about it, noone leaves witty little comments, or links to your blog from theirs, or remarks about something you've written in their real life (like when they're standing around the water cooler, refreshing themselves amongst their co-workers and at a loss for something idle to chat about... it could happen).

i'll tell you one thing though, one thing in confidence (perhaps risk is the missing element in writing a blog)... i have a scar on my tongue.

truly. i was about nine. my mum was running late to collect me from school and i fell and bit my tongue really badly. three stitches. i kind of enjoy freaking more squeamish persons out with it.

if you know that story, then you already know me, if not, then now you do.

welcome to my blog.

i wish it all the luck in the world. like leunig's vote. off into the world little blog.

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